November 2021

Picture Retake Day is Coming

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary picture retake day is Thursday, November 11, 2021. Students who did not get their picture taken in September will get their picture taken this day, regardless of whether or not you order a packet - we want all of our kids in their class picture. Also if you were not happy with the pictures you got in September bring them back and get them taken again.

Exact payment required - photographer or office will not make change. You may order and pay for pictures online at the school's id is EVT3M3GSD

Students of the Month for October

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Students of the Month for October! Congratulations to these students for being such good examples!

Brynlee Horrocks - Brynlee is great to have in class. She is always happy and always does her very best.

Miles Jones - Miles works so hard. He is always willing to do whatever is given him to do. He always works with a smile on his face.

Teddy Brown– Teddy is always happy and always willing to try to do his best. He is kind and respectful to his teacher.

Cougar Strong

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Recently volunteer student athletes from BYU came to Brockbank to put on a presentation inviting students to be Cougar Strong for life. They stressed that while not everyone can be a college athlete, everyone can be Cougar Strong. To be Cougar Strong means you are physically strong, mentally strong, and socially strong. As a reminder of their commitment students were given a wristband from the Cougar Club. The students also signed a poster that will remain in their classroom to remind them to be Cougar Strong.

PBS KIDS Reading Marathon

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
PBS KIDS Reading Marathon The PBS KIDS Reading Marathon is taking place during the month of November. Children (ages preschool - 6th grade) are encouraged to read 20 minutes per day or 600 minutes total throughout the month. From December 1-15 parents will then go on to our PBS website and log their minutes for AMAZING prizes around town during 2022!

Tina the Turkey

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

What do you do with unusable books? Here at Brockbank, Liz Bird, makes decorations out of them. Meet Tina the turkey, she has a special home in the library! 

Register Now for the New Mental Wellness Resource for Parents

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

As the pandemic’s unseen costs begin to unfold on the mental health front, some wonder how school children will be impacted. Despite the massive challenge we face, there are growing resources to help families who are struggling.

Virtual Family Mental Health Night–Talk to a Therapist Nebo School District is partnering with The Cook Center for Human Connection to host a free virtual Family Mental Health night on November 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Participants will hear from a leading clinical psychologist, be able to ask questions, and learn about free resources available.

Lana Hiskey