School Information

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Please look below for information on the following:

  • Attendance
  • Health and Safety - Accidents and Illness
  • Nuisance and/or Dangerous Objects
  • Emergency Evacuation / Major Disaster
  • ParentLink
  • Safe Walking Routes
  • Breakfast and Lunch
  • Arrival and Departure
  • Money and Valuables
  • Student Dress and Grooming Standards
School attendance has a direct impact on a student's level of academic achievement. In order to make the most of one's educational opportunity a student must have consistent, punctual, daily attendance. It is primarily the responsibility of the parent to encourage daily, punctual attendance with elementary school students. Parents or guardians and school officials share a responsibility to make earnest and persistent efforts to resolve attendance problems. A parent or guardian is always welcome and is encouraged to call, visit the school, or access the SIS system for current attendance information regarding his/her student.
Attendance Requirement
Students are required to attend class, on time, every school day, unless properly excused. (Utah Code Section 53A-11-101 et. seq.)
Procedures for Excusing an Absence
Parents/guardians must contact the school and provide the reason for the absence. Notification may be by telephone or by signed note. It is preferable that parents contact the school prior to the absence. Parents should excuse absences within two school days following an absence.
Whenever an accident or illness occurs of a serious nature, we do everything within our power to contact a parent. If we are unsuccessful, we will notify the emergency person or the doctor you have listed on your child's Emergency Data Form. In extreme emergencies when we are unable to contact these people. We will take necessary steps to obtain proper medical attenetion for your child. Under no circumstances do we send a child home without parental permission. Please keep us informed of any changes in the emergency numbers.
In order to comply with Utah State Law, all students enrolled in public school must have a completed immunization on file before admission to school. A child may be exempted only by written statement from the Utah County Health Department.
School personnel cannot administer medication to any child unless a Medical Administration Form has been completed by a physician and is on file at the school.
Any item in possession of a student which causes a disturbance in classs, or is potentially dangerous shall be confiscated by the teacher or principal. This includes toy weapons which are strictly against the rules.  All potentially dangerous items will be given to the principal and parents may retrieve them from her.
In the event of an emergency during school hours, students will remain at the school. Teachers and staff members will remain at the school to care for the students. Unless notified otherwise, school personnel will release students only to responsible adults or family members with written permission. It is imperative that we account for each student. There will be several drills during the school year to help prepare students and staff personnel for emergencies. In the event that we do need to evacuate the facility, we will go the West Stake Center in Spanish Fork located at 360 N 650 W or to Spanish Fork High School, depending on the emergency location and where officials direct us to go.
Emergency Total Lock-Down Procedures
In the event of an intruder or other emergency in the school, "Total Lock-Down" procedures will be followed. Students will be restricted to their rooms with their teacher until it is safe to evacuate. Evacuation will take place under the direction of each teacher by the most direct and safest route to the West Stake Center or to Spanish Fork High School and remain there until it is safe to return to school.
ParentLink is the mass notification system our district uses to contact hundreds of people simultaneously. It can reach all of our school's families within 10 minutes. The school would call, email, and text in case of emergency to all parents/guardians keeping you informed of what is happening, if we are evacuating or staying put, if you would need to come get your child or if your child is safely at school - whatever information is pertinent at the time.
It is imperative we have accurate contact numbers for you on our SIS (Student Information) System. We simply can't notify you if the phone numbers or email addreses we have for you are not accurate. You can update that information yourself by going to the district website,, and clicking on "parents" then "SIS" and creating an account, or you can have any school principal or secretary do it for you. If you would like to receive texts, you need to "okay" the system to allow you to do that. On the district website, under "parents", click on ParentLink and follow the directions there. The system will not incur texting charges for you without your permission. Even if we have a cell number for you, we cannot text you unless you have gone into the ParentLink system and enabled that feature. Once you set up texting, you do not have to set it up each year, it will automatically be in place until you disable that feature. If you do not set up texting, you will still receive phone calls and emails in case of an emergency.
Going to and from school
1. Do not walk alone, walk with someone you trust.
2. Obey the traffic signals.
3. Take the safest and most direct route to and from school.
4. Walk on the sidewalk and cross with the crossing gurard where available.
5. Look before crossing the street.
Safe Access and Routing Plan
Each year, it is the responsibility of the school along with the PTA to publish a "Safe Acess and Routing Plan" for walking students within the Brockbank School Catchment areas. In accordance with the state and district guidelines, the following routes have been approved:
Students living South of 400 North
All students living south of 400 North will utilize the crosswalk at 300 West and 400 North where a crossing guard is on duty along with yellow lights.
Students Living South of Center Street
All students living south of Center Street and west of Main Street will utilize the crosswalk at 200 West Center Street because this is a four-way stop with a blinking red light. After crossing Center Streeet they will proced to 300 West and 400 North to cross with the assistance of the crossing guard.
Students Living in the Sunset Park Subdivision
All students living in the Sunset Park subdivision will utilize the walking path on the the far west portion of the high school property. This walkway exits near the West Stake Center where students will proceed to 400 North Street and follow the street to 300 West 400 North to cross with the assistance of the crossing guard.
Students Living Directly East and Northeast of the School
All students will take the most direct route to the school utilizing sidewalks and obeying safety rules.
Students in the Mitchell Subdivision
Students in the Mitchell Subdivision will utilize the fenced walkway provided on the north side of the school or the gates at the west corners of the playground.
Picking Up Students After School
It is suggested that you set a time and a place to meet your child on the north or east sides of the building. This will allow the buses to enter the loading and unloading zone safely. It will also reduce the danger of students darting around buses and cars.

Breakfast will be served from 8:20 until 8:35 each morning. Breakfast and/or lunch money shouldl be paid to Mrs. Morrison at the lunch window. Checks may be written out to "Brockbank School Lunch." If you have any questions about your child's lunch account, please call the cafeteria at 798-4027.
Teachers use the time before school to make final preparations for the day. Please refrain from sending your student(s) early. As well, students should return to their homes promptly after school. Students will not be kept after school for more that 15 minutes without notifying a parent or other responsible person. Bus students will not be detained with prior parental approval.
Checking out Students Early
When you desire to check your child out of school before dismissal time, you must sign him/her out at the office. Mrs. Swenson or Mrs. Johnson will page your student to the office after you have signed him/her out. This process maximizes student safety.

When sending money to school with your child, please send in in a sealed envelope with the following information on it:
1. Childs’s name
2. Teacher’s name
3. Amount of money
4. Purpose
We strongly discourage students from bring any electronic equipment ( CD players, iPods, cell phones, etc.) from home. These items are often stolen and we simply cannot guarantee they will be protected.

The following paragraph is taken from the Nebo School District Board of Education Policy 9JFCA0, Student Dress and Grooming Standards.
Standards for STUDENTS:
1. Hair shall be neat, clean and well groomed. The coloring of hair with unnatural looking colors to include costume spray will not be tolerated. Boys will be expected to be clean shaven, although a well-trimmed mustache may be worn.
2. Clothing shall be modest, neat, clean, in good repair and shall include shoes. Clothing and/or jewelry shall not be worn which displays obscene or suggestive words or pictures or which advertises any substance which a student cannot legally possess or use. Jewelry shall not be worn in any pierced body parts other than the ears. Modesty shall include covering shoulders, midriff and back. Short shorts, biking shorts, tank tops, halter or crop tops, extremely short skirts or dresses do not meet the modesty standards in our schools.
3. Wearing of bandannas, chains, or any article of clothing or jewelry that may be associated with gangs or bearing any gang symbols, names, initials, insignia or anything else which signals gang affiliation and/or is worn for the purpose of signifying gang membership, is not allowed.
4. Hats and caps shall not be worn during regular school hours.
If a student's dress or grooming interferes with the normal education process, he/she will be asked to change whatever is in question. Continual non-compliance may result in additional disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration. The school administration will be ultimately responsible for administration of the policy.
There is a fairly strong feeling from parent and administrative groups that a "no shorts" policy should be adopted. The committee recommended that the students have the opportunity to show they can wear shorts without abuse. The committee recommends that the building principal work with student leaders to establish school expectations and guidelines. The committee also recommends that at any time difficulties warrant, a "no shorts" policy may be implemented at the individual school level.
Your help and cooperation is appreciated.