Brockbank Holds Red Ribbon Ceremony

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Because of the support from our wonderful Brockbank families, the PTA, and Nebo School District, Brockbank has a new marquee! Thanks to everyone, the first day of school the whole school participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate our new marquee. We would like to especially thank Brandy Mascher, Lisa Dunn, and Kristen Bowen for all their hard work keeping the students motivated and excited to bring in their box tops so we could earn enough money (with some help from Nebo School District) to get our marquee.

Brockbank Best

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Thanks to our great summer crew, Connie, Michelle, Anna, McKayla, and Alan for all their hard work!! Brockbank looks it's best and is ready for everyone to return next week for a great 2017-18 school year!!

Brockbank Bulletin

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Dear Brockbank Families!

The countdown begins!  One week of summer vacation is left and one week until we have our school back to the way it should be--full of students!  It's been a great summer and I hope you have been able to do some special things with family and friends!

Brockbank Summer Bulletin

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Hello, Brockbank Families!
      July is cruising by and I hope you have fun plans for the 24th celebration! For those students that were in 5th grade last year, you should have received an email about being in the Spanish Fork Fiesta Day's parade. Please watch for that email! We hope to see you all there!
