Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Representatives from Living Planet Aquarium Visit Brockbank Fourth-Graders

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary recently had representatives from the Utah Water Van program come to visit. The Utah Water Van is an educational outreach program about Utah's water cycle and is offered by The Living Planet Aquarium to fourth-grade students throughout Utah. Fourth-grade students were allowed through the use of models, to see and better understand Utah's water cycle and how Utah uses its water. Students learned about water conservation, importance of wetlands and about some of Utah's native wetland plants and animals. It was a very educational program.

Brockbank Fifth-Graders Hold Their Annual Wax Museum

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Pictured is top row; Andrea Hansen (Amelia Earhart), Sam Bryson (Neil Armstrong), Taylor Fullmer (Shirley Temple), Anna Sharp (Amelia Earhart), Kylie Eichler (Annie Oakley) and Brady Gordon (Shaun White)
Bottom row; Mallory Sorensen (Annie Oakley), Abbie Dart (Judy Garland), Hailey Hullinger (Annie Oakley), Porter Black (Porter Rockwell), and Jonathan Lopez (Michael Jackson)

Brockbank Sixth-Graders Visit Waste Management Plant

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Recently sixth-graders from Brockbank Elementary took a field trip to the Provo Waste Management Plant. This trip went along with their science curriculum about microorganisms. The students were given a tour of the plant to see the process in which waste water is purified. Students learned how good microorganisms help remove bad microorganisms and help clean water. Another field trip sixth-graders got to go on was to the BYU planetarium where they got to learn about the sun, the planets, constellations, and how astronomers conduct their research.

Brockbank Fourth-Graders Visit John Hutchings Museum

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Recently fourth-grade students from Brockbank went on a field trip to the John Hutchings Museum in Lehi. The students had a great time seeing and learning about Utah's history. There were several rooms in which they learned different things about Utah in each one. One of the students' favorite rooms was the one that had Butch Cassidy's gun and saddle in it. The students learned many new things about Utah's history that you can't learn in books.

Brockbank's Chess Team Places Fifth at District Chess Tournament

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Saturday, March 6, 2010, Brockbank's Chess Team went to Cherry Creek Elementary for the District Chess Tournament. Brockbank did very well bringing back a fifth place team trophy. Several students received individual trophies; from second-grade, Zackery Schaugaard took sixth place; from third-grade Ethan Oyler took first place and Tanner Bean took seventh place; from fourth-grade, Micha Crandall took seventh place, Benson Dickey took eighth place, and Caden Critchfield took tenth place.  All of the students did a great job!


Brockbank Celebrates "A Grand Morning!"

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary celebrated "A Grand Morning" on Friday, March 12. It was the kick-off for the annual spring book fair hosted by the PTA. Students were able to invite anyone they thought was "grand" to the book fair. Along with reading good books the students and their guests were able to enjoy doughnuts and milk. Thank you to the PTA who sponsored this activity, it was "A Grand Morning".


Brockbank Fifth-Graders Enjoy Science Activity!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Mrs. Alexandra Dedrickson's fifth-grade class is just finishing a science unit on static and current electricity. As a cumulative activity each student participated in making a series circut. The students were given a power source or battery, light bulb, switch, and copper wire. They were all excited when their experiment worked!