Five Grade House Challenge

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

In 5th grade this year, we are working on "Building a Community that Cares". During the first week of school all students in 5th grade were sorted into one of four Houses. Our Motto for 5th grade is: Four Houses, One Family. Students are learning to Be Humble, Be a Teamplayer, Lift Each Other Up, as well as Cheer Each Other On. On Friday, August 23rd we had the each of the houses play against each other in a game of Kickball. Today, August 30th, the two winning teams from last week played against each other, while the other houses cheered them on.

 We are happy to announce that Ravenclaw is the winner of this week's House Challenge. It was great to see the sportsmanship and genuine excitement for others during this challenge. 

We will keep you posted about other House Challenges throughout the year.

Amy Sanford