November 2023

Bronco Best Students for October

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

At Brockbank we have a program where deserving students earn "Bronco Best" cards. Students earn this honor by being their BEST at Brockbank! They are doing their BEST when they are: Building a community that cares, Engaging in lifelong learning, Setting goals for growth and success, and Taking ownership for their actions.

This month the students learned about how important it is when they make mistakes to own up to them and apologize. Everyone makes mistakes.

Pizza with Spanish Fork Police Officers

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Students that show their outstanding citizenship by being their B.E.S.T. are given a blue Bronco Best card. ( B - Building a community that cares, E - Engaging in lifelong learning, S - Setting goals from growth and success, T- Taking ownership for my actions) Once a student earns this award, they come to the office and give the blue card to the principal. He then calls home to let the parents know their child has earned this award. The student is celebrated at school by earning several prizes, including having the student pick a number and write their name on a chart in the hall.

Rebecca Jensen Received UVU's Literacy Champion Librarian Award!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Rebecca Jensen is the librarian at Brockbank Elementary, which is in Spanish Fork and includes students from the rural communities of Lakeshore, Palmyra and Benjamin. She has been at Brockbank for over 10 years, and as the school librarian she has influenced thousands of students, families, and teachers to love reading. She goes above and beyond to curate collections of books that students love! She takes time to get to know students and their interests on a personal level and recommends books that get students excited to read.

Kristel Peterson