Brockbank Students of the Month

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Students of the Month

Brockbank Students of the Month for November! Congratulations to these students for being such good examples!

Letticia Hernandez - Letty is one of the sweetest children in our class.  She is always working so hard and listening to the teachers and the students.  We all love her!

Harrison Hales - Harrison is so quiet and so nice to all.  His is learning fast.  He always follows teacher instructions and works hard in class at all times.  

Grace Youd - Grace is such a sweet child.  She always has a smile, raises her hand, listens, does her best work, and is kind to others.

Camila Brancolino - Camila is always happy and smiling.  She does her work quickly and then helps others.  She is very sweet to her teacher. 

Buster Barnes - Buster is always looking for ways to help his classmates and loves to help keep our classroom clean. He tries hard to follow all the rules and is a great example. 

Adrian Romero- I have loved watching Adrian's confidence grow! He knows exactly what to doin class and works so hard to learn and do his best work.

Malia Clark - Malia is always including others when she is playing outside or something in the classroom. She is developing her skills and knows when she needs to improve. She stays on tasks and celebrates her victories as well as others. Way to go Malia for being the Bronco Best!

Braxton Parker - Braxton is a good friend to everyone. He is happy, kind and includes everyone. I can always count on Braxton to listen to instructions and work hard at everything he does.  You are a great kid Braxton!

Zane McBride - Zane always goes above and beyond showing his Bronco Best! He is eager to try new things, especially in math,  and is a very helpful friend to everyone in our class. 

‘Ilaisa’ane Vimahi - Sa’ane is a fun and kind person. She is a great friend and always willing to help. Everyday she tries hard to do her best in being an example to others and in her school work. We love having Sa’ane in our class! 

Ila Clayton - Ila is a great friend to those around her. She is always working hard and trying her best. We love having her in our class!

Adelina Beecher - Adelina is such a great friend to everyone in class. She works so hard and helps those in need. We love having her in our class! 

Eleanor Cox -  Eleanor always put in her best effort on her assignments. I can always count on her to stay on task. She has been a champ as she has started to begin reading chapter books!

Zac “Deuce” Erekson - Deuce is so good at focusing on tasks. When he completes his work he is good at helping others who are trying to complete their work. He encourages those around him to make good choices and sets a good example.

Corrin Whitaker is such a hard worker. She’s always trying to do her best work and improve herself. She is nice to everyone and  a lot of fun to have in class. 

Max Olsen -Max has been working hard in all aspects of his learning.  He strives to do his best and most creative work, and helps build up our classroom community! 

Lelynne Carter is a great student and friend!  She is always kind and polite and helpful to everyone!

Scarlett Preston - Scarlett is a hard worker and is always doing what she is supposed to. She is so sweet and kind.

Beckham Ashworth is such a great kid!  He always tries to do his best.  He is super polite and kind to others.  So glad he is in my class!  

Olivia Stewart - Olivia shows dedication and respect every day. She puts her best effort into all that she does.