Brockbank Sixth-Graders Learn About Heat

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The sixth-grade students at Brockbank Elementary have been learning about heat for the past few weeks.  Students learned about the different ways that heat transfers, as well as conductors and insulators.  One of the assignments during this unit was for students to create the best insulating cups.  The only stipulation for the cup was that it needed to be able to hold at least one ice cube.

Brockbank Students Learn How to Be a Good Friend!

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Brockbank Elementary has a fantastic character education program! Each month, a different group of teachers act out a common scenario that could happen any day at school.

Marvin and Jessie (a.k.a. Mr. Ryan Murray, sixth-grade teacher, and Mrs. Kristel Peterson, second-grade teacher) are "students" at Brockbank who have differenet experiences each month that they share with the students.

Brockbank Has Great Parent Volunteers!

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Brockbank Elementary is getting ready for a great school year, but we can't do it alone. Brockbank is lucky to have great parent volunteers that are willing to come and help in the classrooms. Thursday, Sept. 3, the PTA held a room parent meeting where parent volunteers came in and met with teachers to help plan for the fun school year.