Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Brockbank PTA Donates Books and Certificates for Dr. Suess' Birthday

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Lucky winners were; back - Shian Smart, Austin Baum, Natalie Millet, Katelynn Schaugaard, Elise Hansen, Isacc Dillman, Lane Money, and Kaleb Anderson. Middle - Ruby Campbell, Kaleb Baum, Katherine Tingen, Dylan Otten, Felicia Clark, William Hone, Owen Vincent, and Alexander Peck. Front - Sam Bryson, Jordan Bills, Wendy Price, Alyx Scheetz, Daxton Hill, Drake Knotts, Lindsay Smith, and Natalie Olson.
Absent from photo was Aeris Eastland, Hadlee Hunter, Madysen Nielsen, and Alex Hansen.

Brockbank Sixth-Graders Paritcipate in Science Fair

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank sixth-graders recently participated in a science fair. Students learned about the scientific process and were then challenged to go home and conduct an experiment that answered a scientific question. The sixth-grade teachers were amazed at the quality of work done by the students. The students worked really hard on their projects. Parents and students from younger grades had the opportunity to go into the gym and look at the projects and ask questions.

Brockbank Kindergarteners Enjoy Bringing Teddy Bears to School!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank kindergarteners recently held their, "Bring your Teddy Bear to school day". Students had the opportunity to bring their favorite teddy bear or other stuffed animal to school to spend the day in class learning and playing with them. One activity they did together was playing math games and eating teddy grahams. When it was time for the students to go home, the teddy bears got to stay and have a slumber party at school. The next day when the students came to school they found out that their animals had made a mess in their learning centers.

Brockbank Kindergarteners Celebrate "100 Day"

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank kindergarteners recently celebrated making it through "100 days of Kindergarten". To celebrate this achievement they had a fun filled day of activities centered around the number 100. They earned an official "100 Day" certificate by completing the following activities; counting 100 objects, taking a 100 step walk, doing 100 exercises, completing 100 seconds of silence (at least tried to), having a 100 day magic trick, discussing what they could eat 100 of, and there was a 100 drops of water test.

Brockbank Hansen Heroes for January

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank is happy to announce the Hansen Heroes for January.

Back; William Stanton, Tyerell Pzcybycien, MaKayla Belliston, Principal Alison Hansen, Emily Rowley, Jayden Gabbitas, and Bailee Argyle. Middle; Mason Bingham, Brinley Michelsen, Ellie Ash, Ashley Kacura, Kacie Sorensen, Gracie Sorensen, and Caleb Dillman. Front; Victor Sanchez, Braxton Rasmussen, Joseph Lee, Fatima Greenhalgh, Taylor Gull, Emmie Olson, and Jeronimo Perales.