Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Brockbank PTA Awards Walk A Thon Winners

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank's PTA recently awarded prizes to the students that excelled in the walk-a-thon. The walk-a-thon was a great success with several students walking over 100 laps. Students that walked a 100 laps or more were given a gold medal and a $10 gift certificate to the book fair. Prizes were also given to the students in each grade that walked the most laps.

Brockbank Holds Sixth Annual Walk-A-Thon

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank PTA along with Brockbank faculty recently held their sixth annual walk-a-thon fundraiser. It was a great success with lots of support from the students and parents. Students, along with many of their parents, walked laps around a track set up on the grass field as a way to exercise and raise money for the school. The funds will purchase document cameras for classrooms. The goal is to equip every classroom. Document cameras allow teachers to use technology to create a more interactive classroom. Prizes, pizza, snow cones, and bake sale items were available throughout the night.

Brockbank Kindergarteners Enjoy Apple Day!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Friday, Sept. 30, Kindergarten students at Brockbank Elementary celebrated Apple Day at school. The students participated in several different activities including tasting apples in several different forms; cut in slices, applesauce, pie, and juice; deciding which color of apple they like best, doing math and science activities involving apples, and illustrating their own apple books. It was a fun educational day that the students enjoyed.

Author Gary Hogg Visits Brockbank

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

On Friday, September 16, Brockbank had author, Mr. Gary Hogg, come and visit with the students. He encouraged them to all become great authors by using more descriptive words in their writing. He gave the students four tips in writing; 1- Authors are thinkers, 2- If you can think it you can write it, 3- When you write it put in lots of details, and 4- If you don’t have enough details, go back and revise. It was a great assembly to get the students excited about writing!

Local Grocery Stores Support Education!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank School LOVES the support it gets from our two local grocery stores.  Macey's has had a program for a few years, and Fresh Market has just begun a program this year, where patrons of our school turn in their receipt after they shop at one of those stores.  The grocery stores will then tally up all the receipts collected for each neighborhood school and give a cash donation to each school in proportion to how many receipts they collect for each school.  Last year, Brockbank's box collected the most receipts from Macey's and won out of all the Spanish Fork area schools

Brockbank Has Great Parent Volunteers!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary is getting ready for a great school year, but we can't do it alone. Brockbank is lucky to have great parent volunteers that are willing to come and help in the classrooms. Thursday, Sept. 15, the PTA held a room parent meeting where parent volunteers came in and met with teachers to help plan for the fun school year.

Mary Briggs Retires As Librarian at Brockbank Elementary

Mary Briggs has recently retired as the librarian for Brockbank Elementary School. Mary began working at Brockbank School at the beginning of the 1984-85 school year. In her twenty-five years at Brockbank, Mary has been a favorite among students and faculty. Mary has been a constant in a faculty that experiences changes each year. She is one of the first to welcome new faculty and staff members and instantly makes people feel welcome. She has worked for 3 of the 4 principals at Brockbank Elementary and has enjoyed positive relationships with each one.