Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Brockbank First-Graders Learn About the First Thanksgiving

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Brockbank first-graders learned about the first Thanksgiving by making
colored bead bracelets and retelling the story of how the Pilgrims
came to America. Each bead in the bracelet represented a part of the
story. A brown bead represented the Pilgrims leaving England for
religious freedom; a white bead represented the sail on the Mayflower
that brought the Pilgrim's across the ocean; next 3 blue beads to
represent the ocean; 1 green bead for when they spy land; 3 clear
white beads for the snow during the long winter; 1 light green for the

"How to Cook a Turkey" by Brockbank Second Graders

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary is happy to share some fun ways on "How to Cook a
Turkey" according to second graders. Students had a creative writing
assignment which lets the students use their imagination with no
prompting from the teacher as far as content, they are able to write
their own ideas. Below is some ideas of "How to Cook a Turkey" by
Brockbank second grade students in their writing:

Brockbank Third-Graders Show Off Their Leaf Art Projects

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank third-graders show off their family homework project. The goal for this project was to make homework a time for "homeplay". Each student was assigned with their families to make a picture out of leaves. The students read the book, "Look What I Did With A Leaf!" by Marteza E. Sohi, at school to get ideas.

Veterans Visit Brockbank

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary had some very special visitors come to our school for Veteran's Day. We are so proud of all of our veterans and enjoy having them come and talk to us each year. The program consisted of the fifth-grade students singing a patriotic song, a slide show presentation, and each of the veterans introducing themselves and talking to the students. It was a very touching assembly reminding us all why veterans are so important and about all the sacrifices that they have made for us so that we can be free. 

Brockbank Fifth-Graders Hold Wax Museum

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Back; Lane Money (John Wayne), Paige Tomadakis (Uncle Sam), Hunter Clark (Derek Jeter), Abinadi Lopez (Michael Jackson), Isaac Sanchez-Casalino (Bruce Lee), and Sage Wing (Jedediah Smith) Front; Tobin Gonzales (Benjamin Franklin), Jentri Rozema (Mary Ingals Wilder), Aislyn Sharp (Mary Nesbitt), Laynee Giles (Cher), Jerrod Fisk (George Washington), and Ruby Campbell (Sacagawea)

Brockbank Student Council Members Attend Conference at BYU

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Ten sixth-grade student officers recently had the opportunity to
attend the Student Council Conference at BYU.  Students heard from
various presenters such as John Bytheway, Ryan Radebaugh, Darroll
Young, and Josh Hewlett who have all had a variety of leadership
experiences to draw from and are experienced youth motivational
speakers.  The students enjoyed hearing their stories and came back
anxious and motivated to make a postiive difference in the their lives
and the lives of their classmates.  All of the students in Brockbank's

Brockbank Hansen Heroes for October

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Announces the Hansen Heroes for October.

Back: Caleb Dillman, Makayla Belliston, Presleigh Peterson, Daxton Hill, Principal Alison Hansen, Paige Tomadakis, Monica Escamilla, Reed Heywood, and Tatyanna Ioane. Front: Connelly Washburn, Travis Engle, Truston Sparks, Abbigail Kirk, Mason Olson, Kami Holt, Myla Millet, Owen Vincent, and Emmy Oldham. Absent from photo; Ashlyn Herbst and Austin Hansen.

Congratulations to these students!

Brockbank Halloween Fun!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary celebrated Halloween by having their annual parade around the school. Students had the opportunity to show off their costumes to parents, grandparents, and other students. Also to help celebrate room parents came to the school and hosted some fun holiday activities, and brought yummy treats to the classrooms.