Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Brockbank Celebrates Birthday by Hosting Spirit Week!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Happy 53rd Birthday Brockbank! Brockbank celebrates its birthday each year by hosting School Spirit Week. During this week, January 24-27, students and staff celebrate by dressing up according to a different theme each day. On Tuesday, Jan. 24 it was "Backwards Day" several students wore their shirts and jackets backwards, some even wore their pants backwards.

Brockbank Sixth-Graders Attend "Sports Hero Day" at BYU!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

On January 19, 2012, approximately 1200 sixth-grade students from across Utah Valley descended onto BYU campus for an exciting day to be spent with their local sports heroes. Brockbank Elementary made up 67 of the over 1200 students. BYU calls this activity "Sports Hero Day". Its purpose is to provide sixth-grade students the opportunity to interact with BYU athletes, and to observe their positive examples in academics, athletics, and social circumstances up close and personal. The sixth-grade students were given the chance to try many different sports with the college athletes.

Brockbank First Graders Make Vegetable Soup!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank first-graders in Mrs. Lisa Bird's class read the book, "Growing Vegetable Soup". The students then got the opportunity to help make their own soup. One of the most important things they learned when getting ready to make the soup was that you need to make sure and wash your hands with soap and water. When it was their turn to help the students were told to recite the alphabet to themselves while washing their hands. The students learned how important it is not to spread germs so they wore gloves on their hands and hats to cover their hair.

Brockbank Sixth Graders Participate in Science Fair

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Brockbank sixth-graders recently participated in a science fair. Students learned about the scientific process and were then challenged to go home and conduct an experiment that answered a scientific question. The sixth-grade teachers were amazed at the quality of work done by the students. The students worked really hard on their projects. Parents and students from younger grades had the opportunity to go into the gym and look at the projects and ask questions. Everyone enjoyed the science fair and it gave the younger grade students ideas for when they get to participate in the science fair!

Brockbank First Graders Act Out Story!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Recently Brockbank first-graders in Mrs. Lisa Bird's class acted out the story, "The Great Big Enormous Turnip". It is a story about an old man that plants a little turnip. Everyday he tells the turnip, "Grow, grow little turnip. Grow Sweet. Grow, grow little turnip. Grow strong." And the turnip grows big and enormous. Then one day the old man tries to pull up his enormous turnip. He pulls and he pulls, but can not pull it up.

Brockbank Fourth-Graders Rewarded for Reaching Reading Goal

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank fourth-graders in Mrs. Cynthia Loreen's class were recently rewarded for meeting their reading goals by participating in a fun activity. The students divided into groups and had snowman relays and since there is no snow, one student was the snowman and the other students "built the snowman" as fast they could to beat the other teams. They had to wrap their snowman and cut out pieces of paper to make the mouth, nose, and buttons. It was a fun activity and a great reward for working so hard.

Brockbank Hansen Heroes for December

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank is happy to announce the Hansen Heroes for December!

Picture #1 - Back; Adrianna Kirk, Ashlyn Losee, Karlee Baum, Principal Alison Hansen, Shaylie Harrison, and Garrett Smith. Front; Emmie Olson, Amoe Schaerrer, Taylor Gull, and Tyron Porter. Absent from photo; Hannah Oldham.

Picture #2 - Kaleb Anderson, Katelyn Schaugaard, Cassady Gappmayer, Principal Alison Hansen, Lyssa Fisk, Mikayla Frost, Emma Argyle, and Zach Preece. Front; Marcos Miles and Trey Page.