Welcome to Brockbank


 Rise Up and Be Your Best!

Mission Statement

At Brockbank we are...
Building a Community that Cares
Engaging in Lifelong Learning
Setting Goals for Growth and Success
Taking Ownership for My Choices

Write a kind message to a student, teacher, technician, custodian, parent or anyone else. Then we will all be able to see it at our school. Let's spread the kindness! (messages are on the televisions around the school).  
Please click to add a message Kindness Wall

Brockbank's PTA is the Best!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Brockbank's PTA is the best! To help celebrate "Teacher Appreciation Week", Monday morning in the faculty room there was a "Sweet Shop" set up with all kinds of sweet treats. The theme was, "We are SWEET for Our Teachers and Staff!". Fun posters and decorations filled the halls. All during the week teachers and staff were spoiled with gifts and delicious meals. With the help of Natalie Jensen, Sara Petersen and Sheryl Litster, the teachers received fun books that their students helped make for them.

Brockbank Hansen Heroes for March!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank is happy to announce the Hansen Heroes for March!

Picture #1- Gabriella McClure, Peyton Harrison, Gage Baum, Luke Roberts, Principal Alison Hansen, George Heyward, Kaleb Adams, Sophie Cluff, Brooklyn Pintar, and Kate Jones. Absent from photo was Jordyn Ferandez.

Picture #2- Back; Laynee Giles, Taylor Swan, Principal Alison Hansen, Alexander Baltazar, Blayne Campbell, and Luke Jensen. Front; Caydin Craig, Alex Chandler, Adiah Olsen, and Garrett Dedrickson.

Representatives from Living Planet Aquarium Visit Brockbank Fourth Graders!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Friday, March 30, Brockbank had two representatives from the Utah Water Van program come to visit. The Utah Water Van is an educational outreach program about Utah's water cycle and is offered by The Living Planet Aquarium to fourth-grade students throughout Utah. Fourth-grade students were allowed through the use of models, to see and better understand Utah's water cycle and how Utah uses its water. Students learned about water conservation, importance of wetlands and about some of Utah's native wetland plants and animals.

Brockbank Third-Graders Compete in Spelling Bee!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Wednesday, March 28, Brockbank Elementary third-graders held their Spelling Bee. The spelling bee is held in conjunction with the Spanish Fork Rotary Club and their donation of a dictionary for every third-grade student. Glen Roach, a member of the Spanish Fork Rotary Club and representative of Central Bank donated the dictionaries to Brockbank third-grade students in the fall. Spelling bees were held in the individual classrooms during the month of February and the top four winners from each class competed with each other to determine a winner. Classroom winners were from Mrs.

Brockbank Students Enjoy Indoor Tennis!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank's Speech Teacher, Mrs. Susan Johnson helped to start and supervise an after school tennis program. Mrs. Johnson has over 30 years of tennis experience and wanted to give the students something else to do inside during the winter months. So with the help of the United States Tennis Association who generously donated junior size tennis nets, foam balls, and rackets, and with the help of volunteer staff members, she made it happen. The first session was for the older grades 4-6 and currently the younger grades 1-3 are meeting one day a week for an hour after school.

Brockbank Hosts A "Penny War" to Help Raise Money to Fight Cancer!

Submitted by brenda.johnson on

Brockbank Elementary is raising money to support Huntsman Foundation to fight against cancer. The sixth-grade student council members met and decided to have a school wide "Penny War". Each grade level has a sealed can for students to put money in. The object is to get more points than the other grades. Pennies are each worth 1 point. There is a catch - if you put anything other than pennies in your can, it subtracts points from your total. For example, if you put a quarter in your can you are subtracting 25 points.

Author Visits Brockbank

Submitted by brenda.johnson on
Author Julie Wright visited Brockbank recently. She is the author of the Hazzardous Universe series. Ms. Wright shared with students her experiences as an author and got the children excited about writing. Together with the audience, Mrs. Wright wrote a story. Students came forward and picked random things from a "grab bag" of items. Ms. Wright led the student audience as they wrote a story complete with characters, a simple plot, and a conflict. Throughout the process, Ms. Wright emphasized students' creativity and pulling the story out of their own imaginations. Students enjoyed Ms.